July 16, 2009

Sewing Safety Tips for Young Children,

If you enjoy sewing, it is likely that your child is curious about sewing also. While we don’t want to discourage from learning this creative activity,Tte image of kids with sharp scissors and needles in hand makes almost all parents cringe. Fine motor skillls as well as math skills can be taught with sewing, it is a skill that everyone will find useful at some point in their life.

With proper safety precautions, sewing can be taught to even toddlers! While it doesn’t make much sense to let a three-year old loose with a sewing machine, even young kids can get started with the right tools and close supervision. Here are five safety tips to remember when dealing with budding tailors and seamstresses.

1.) Use age-appropriate supplies. Sewing scissors are too sharp and too large for young hands, and regular sewing needles present a laundry list of dangers. Let your child work with safety scissors and a plastic needle. If you give him a loosely knit, porous fabric, they will work just fine.

2.) Watch your child closely, especially during the first few attempts. For the youngest children, swallowing small parts such as needles and spools of thread is a concern. And even safety scissors could cut little hands. Until your child gets the hang of things, careful supervision is of the utmost importance.

3.) Maintain strict control over the sewing machine. Children younger than eight years old probably don’t have the motor skills and good judgment to attempt machine sewing. At eight years of age, it’s up to the parent to decide whether the child is ready. If you feel that she is, provide plenty of guidance and stay right with her while she makes those first stitches.

4.) Make sure the sewing machine is secured and inoperable when you’re not around. Put the needle and pressure foot down when done sewing, cover the machine and turn it off. You may even want to unplug it as an added precaution. Kids who are curious about sewing might try to use the machine when you’re not around, and if it’s not properly secured, they could be seriously injured.

5.) Keep scissors, needles and pins put up and out of kids’ reach when not in use. These things create a temptation for young, unsupervised kids as well. It’s also wise to keep a magnetic pin cushion in case of spillage.

Encouraging your child’s interest in sewing may help him develop a lifelong interest in this activity. This may serve him well later in life. He may even decide to sew clothes for himself or his family, or perhaps become a fashion designer in the future!

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