August 28, 2009

Ideas For Kids Crafts For Toddlers

Great ideas for kids crafts don't have to wait until your kids are of school age. Toddlers love to explore new things, and their minds are as active as their bodies as they do this. Planning ides for creative fun for 0-3 year olds might seem daunting. Sometimes it seems an impossible idea to have them sit down and do crafts, but it might just be easier than you think. Crafts that keep them engaged are great for their cognitive development and hand-eye coordination.
Keeping it simple is the key to success when finding ideas for kids crafts with toddlers. They do not have the attention span needed to create things that require a great deal of time or long-winded instructions. Crafts that can be completed in a few simple steps are better at holding their attention, and will have a better chance of geting finished happily.
When choosing toddler crafts, keep in mind that all materials should be reasonably safe for young children. If sharp objects are required, you will need to do the part that requires their use. Very small objects such as seed beads should not be used because they could easily be swallowed without your knowledge. Anything the size of a large button or bigger should not pose a problem as long as you provide close supervision.
Here are some simple ideas for kids crafts to try out with your toddler!
  1. Pasta Jewelry - This idea for kids crafts can be as simple as threading different noodles onto a piece of yarn, and tying the ends together to create a necklace. 
  2. Paper Plate Fish Craft For Kids - This fun and easy idea for kids crafts will inspire underwater adventures for your toddler.
  3. Paper Plate Mask For Kids - Holes in paper plates have never been so much fun!
  4. Simple Collage Craft For Kids - A great way to create fun pictures of anything!
  5. Play Doh sculptures - You may only end up with squished shapes, but how much fun will your child(ren) have?
What other ideas for kids crafts for toddlers do you have? Please share!

August 25, 2009

Chenille Stem Butterfly Mobile

Colorful butterflies capture everyone's fancy. They make a welcome craft project anytime of year as they add color and thoughts of flying free to any space. This chenille stem butterfly mobile makes a great project for children, and it gives them a beautiful decoration to hang up in their rooms. As this craft requires cutting the chenille stems, it will require adult participation and supervision.

What You Need
  • Black chenille stems
  • Bumpy chenille stems in various bright colors
  • Pom poms in various colors
  • Wire cutters
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Paper plate
  • Paint or markers
  • Hole punch
  • Fishing line
How To Put It Together
  1. Take one black chenille stem and cut it in half. Place to the side for later..
  2. Bend one bumpy chenille stem in half, creasing it at the base, creating a V-shape.
  3. Bend one end of the V-shaped stem down toward the base, creating a sort of half circle. Bend the tip around the V.
  4. Repeat again with the other side of the bumpy chenille stem.
  5. Use the needle-nose pliers to tuck away the sharp ends.
  6. Push the middle of each half circle in toward the middle, making a hard crease. It should be shaped like a capital B on the right and a backward capital B on the left. These form the butterfly wings.
  7. Fold the black chenille stem you cut earlier in half. Twist the bent end about half an inch from the bend.
  8. Slide the butterfly wings between the ends of the black chenille stem. Twist the ends above the butterfly to hold in place.
  9. Separate the ends of the black chenille stem. Bend them to create antennae for the butterfly.
  10. Put coordinating pom poms in the openings of the wings and glue them in place. Let dry.
  11. Make as many more butterflies as you would like for your mobile.
  12. Decorate the paper plate with paint or markers. You might want to paint a sky scene on it, draw a flower garden or do an abstract pattern in colors that match the butterflies.
  13. Punch a hole where you want each butterfly to hang. Then punch four evenly spaced holes around the sides of the paper plate.
  14. Cut four pieces of fishing line of the same length. For each piece, thread one of the ends through one of the holes around the edges, and tie. Tie the other ends together to create a hanger for the mobile.
  15. Cut fishing line in various lengths to hang your butterflies. Tie one end to the middle of the butterfly, and run the other through a hole in the plate. Secure with clear tape or glue.
  16. Hang your mobile from the ceiling and enjoy!
Have fun making a colorful butterfly mobile!